
My name is Jes and was born in 1968. I live in the beautiful island of Malta, the island of sun and sea, and am happily married with one son. My hobbies are listening to rock music, IT, films, hiking and cycling.  I also like to appreciate nature with its environment.  In fact, a couple of years ago, I was sponsored by Earthwatch to go to South Africa for two weeks, monitoring the migration of Blue Swallows.

I work in IT at a local bank. Funnily enough, after a minimum of 8 hours working from a PC, I did not want to see anything else related to IT.  But, faith decided otherwise.

It all started with a challenge I had with my son. I had always dreamt of creating a sort of website, but was not sure on how to start and on which topics I would talk on. But, one day I realised that I was spending a lot of time browsing through various sites, checking out strange news.  One idea started leading to another, and I thought, what a good idea would be if various links (which I liked) would be found under one site.

Obviously, the links may not be to everyone's taste, but I try to be as broad as possible. This is a new challenge for me, but I feel great in having started it. As John Ruskin said:

 "What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little   consequence. The only consequence is what we do."

Me and my son on his first test flight (12/09/12)